- Introduction to iPhone development and Xcode-
- Variables and Datatypes.
- String.
- Arrays and Dictionary.
- Classes and functions.
- Date and time.
- Basics of Cocoa touch.
- View Controllers and Xib's.
- Tab Bar Controller.
- Navigation bar Controller.
- Cocoa Touch basic control : Button, Switch, Text View, Text fields, Label etc.
- Web View.
- Map View.
- Date Picker.
- Table View.
- Collection View.
- Gestures and Touches.
- Delegates and Data Source.
- Sqlite.
- UserDefaults.
- Plist.
- Address Book
- Photo Galary.
- Events.
- Mail Composer.
- Open Safari and Calling.
- Json Parsing.
- Firebase and Cloud.
- Notification : local and remote.
- Facebook and Twitter integration.
- Creating live App: Quiz with login and signup, Tic-Tac-Toe.
- List of frameworks.
- Working with third party libraries.
- Finding some errors and checking logs.
- Rectify errors and some known and unknown issues.