Wednesday, October 11, 2017



  1.  Introduction to iPhone development and Xcode-
  2.  Variables and Datatypes.
  3.  String.
  4.  Arrays and Dictionary.
  5.  Classes and functions.
  6.  Date and time.
  7.  Basics of Cocoa touch.
  8.  View Controllers and Xib's.
  9.  Tab Bar Controller.
  10.  Navigation  bar Controller. 
  11. Cocoa Touch basic control : Button, Switch, Text View, Text fields, Label etc.
  12.  Web View.
  13.  Map View.
  14.  Date Picker.
  15.  Table View.
  16.  Collection View.
  17.  Gestures and Touches.
  18.  Delegates and Data Source.
  19.  Sqlite.
  20.  UserDefaults.
  21.  Plist.
  22.  Address Book
  23.  Photo Galary.
  24.  Events.
  25.  Mail Composer.
  26.  Open Safari and Calling.
  27.  Json Parsing.
  28.  Firebase and Cloud.
  29.  Notification : local and remote.
  30.  Facebook and Twitter integration.
  31.  Creating live App: Quiz with login and signup, Tic-Tac-Toe.
  32.  List of frameworks.
  33.  Working with third party libraries.
  34.  Finding some errors and checking logs.
  35.  Rectify errors and some known and unknown issues.

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